

CHAPTER XIII - The Life of Hermann Friedrich Lebrecht Wiechers [y Manneroh] between Mexico and the United States.

  • 13.1   What we know of the initial life in the New World of Hermann Friedrich Lebrecht Wiechers [y Manneroh].
  • 13.2   The wedding in Washington, D.C., between Hermann Friedrich Lebrecht Wiechers [y Manneroh] and his niece Sophie Catherine Margarethe Boyer [y Wiechers].
  • 13.3   The family life of Hermann Friedrich Lebrecht Wiechers [y Manneroh] and Sophie Catherine Margarethe Boyer [y Wiechers].
  • 14.4   The graves of Hermann Friedrich Lebrecht Wiechers [y Manneroh] and of his immediate family at the American Cemetery of Mexico City.
  •  Pictures and Appendices to Chapter XIII.
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