CHAPTER VI -The other Branches of the Wiechers-Hasselmann Family (in Germany and the United States).
6.1 Johann Heinrich Wiechers [y Hasselmann] and his two families in Barrien with Anna Adelheid Gerken and Gesche Adelheid Willenbruch [y Löhmann].
6.2 Johann Heinrich Wiechers [y Willenbruch] and his family in Barrien with Margarethe Adelheid Becker.
6.3 The other descendants of Johann Heinrich Wiechers [y Hasselmann].
6.4 Cord Heinrich Wiechers [y Hasselmann] and his family in Neubruchhausen with Gesche Margarethe Dorothee Bolte [y Rehmstedt].
6.5 Adelheid Sophie Marie Wiechers [y Bolte] or “Sophia Wiechers” in the United States of America.
6.6 Catharine Lena Margarethe Wiechers [y Bolte] or “Lena Wiechers” in the United States of America.
6.7 Johann Heinrich Adolph Wiechers [y Bolte] or “John H. Wiechers” in the United States of America.
6.8 Johann Dietrich Heinrich Wiechers [y Bolte] or “Harry Wiechers” in the United States of America.
6.9 Christoph Lüdecke Hermann Wiechers [y Bolte] or “Herman Wiechers” in the United States of America.
6.10 Gesche Marie Wiechers [y Hasselmann] and her family in Wachendorf with Lüdeke Friedrich Willenbruch [y Löhmann].
6.11 Johann H[e]inrich Willenbruch [y Wiechers], his family life in Syke and the emigration of his sons to the United States.
6.12 Friedrich Heinrich Willenbruch [y Wiechers], his life and descendents in Wachendorf.
6.13 What we know about Marie Margarethe Willenbruch [y Wiechers].
6.14 Other Wiechers families in Barrien whose possible kinship is still to be defined.
6.15 Other significant Wiechers families in the New World that apparently are NOT relatives of the Wiechers-Hasselmann: a) Georg Friedrich Wiechers and the Wiechers family in Puerto Rico and Barcelona; b) William Alfred Wiechers and the sugar refinery F.O. Matthiessen & Wiechers, at Jersey City; c) John F. Wiechers and the bankruptcy, in 1891, of Field, Lindley, Wiechers & Co.; d) The mysterious banker Wiechers from New York organizing in 1895 the Mexican National Exposition; e) The firm Hendrick, Wiechers & Co.; f) The Wiechers families in Brazil and Venezuela; g) Some mysterious cases in Mexico; h) Some families with similar last name, but not related.